About the PBSS Caving Mailing list

Welcome to the home of the PBSS Caving mailing list.  This privately-owned forum has been established to aid in the distribution of cave-related information in support of the aims and goals of the cavers in the PBSS (however, PBSS Caving Mailing List is neither owned nor operated by the TSA or the NSS). It's designed to keep cavers informed about latest developments and current events in Texas, New Mexico and the rest of the caving world. PBSS Caving Mailing List is supported through donations from various and sometime notorious and anonymous speleological entities.


Following normal custom, exact cave locations should not be posted to this list.

What to Post

This list should be used for the exchange of information on Western Texas & New Mexico caving and related activities. These might include:

  • Meeting and trip announcements
  • Social activities
  • Trip reports
  • Caving stuff for sale or want to buy
  • Cave geology/biology
  • Caving anecdotes and tall tales
  • Equipment/techniques
If threads stray too far from the central topic for too long, the list keepers  will attempt to nudge the list back in line. If you need help fixing the transmission in your 4x4, it's ok to ask for help on the list, but please spare the rest of us the gory details.
Also, your fellow list members would appreciate it if you would try to remember to include your subject lines in your postings. Use, for example, FS (for sale) or WTB (want to buy) or whatever.
PBSS Caving Mailing List Home

© 1995-2025 Caver.net   Comments to webmaster@caver.net.  Cavernet is neither owned by nor operated by the Texas Speleological Association or the National Speleological Society.
Cavernet is supported through donations from various and sometime notorious and anonymous speleological entities.